Do you have missing teeth that make you feel self-conscious or make it difficult to eat? Dental implants might just be the perfect solution, supporting either one or a series of teeth, they support false teeth and work in harmony with your natural teeth. Prices from £1,800 per unit.
The titanium root device allows permanent teeth to be fitted to your jaw, teeth then can be matched to your natural teeth, giving a fantastic looking finish.
Once the dental implant has been fixed to your jaw, the false teeth are fitted, if looked after these implants and teeth should last just like natural teeth. Losing your teeth doesn’t have to be the end, with dental implants you get the chance of a fresh start.
Losing your teeth doesn’t have to be the end of the world, but we’re here to avoid it happening. Using modern preventative techniques, we help you to make the most of your natural teeth. Call us today to make an appointment with our friendly experienced team.